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Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Split Rings 100 pc

Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Split Rings 100 pc
Lucky Joes Stainless steel split rings heavy duty in 9 sizes 100 pieces each size

PRICE: $2.00

Fish Facts Vote which one you feel is true.
Goldfish can't close their eyes without eyelids. ? 
1 Puffer Fish has enough poison to kill 30 people ? 
A koi fish named 'Hanako' lived for 225 years. ? 
Fish can drown in water. ? 
Fish can see 70 times further in air than in water ? 
Fish in polluted lakes lose their sense of smell. ? 
Many fish can change sex during their lifespan. ? 
The goliath tigerfish can eat small crocodiles. ? 
There is a Jellyfish that could be immortal. ? 
There's a shark in Greenland that eats polar bears ? 
What color trolling lure catches the most fish for you?
Green and yellow ? 
Green red yellow ? 
Mean joe ? 
Red white ? 
Red yellow ? 
[Other] ? 

Around 10% of the world's total fish species can be found just within the Great Barrier Reef.
The toxin in puffer fish is 1200 times deadlier than cyanide.
Strange fish facts
Many Fish can taste without even opening their mouths.
Fish Facts
Most brands of lipstick contain fish scales
Did you know?
American Lobsters have longer life spans than both cats and dogs, living over 20 years.
When you need a good reason to go fishing!
Going fishing outdoors increases your vitamin D, which helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in your body, keeping your bones and teeth healthy. It boosts your immune system and has been linked to fighting depression.
Some fishes lay their eggs on land instead of in the water
The mudskipper even takes this further, even mating on land. These fish burrow and lay their eggs in mudflats before returning to the water.
In three decades, the world's oceans will contain more discarded plastic than fish when measured by weight, researchers say.
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined.
God Bless The Troops
We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. - George Orwell
One fish is called a fish. Two or more are still called fish.
However than one species of fish are called fishes.
Did you know that
About 60% of US Anglers practice catch and release.
Women make up about 33% of fresh water anglers and
about 85% of fresh water anglers begin fishing at 12 years old.
Just how man species of fish are there?
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined.
Even Catfish are finicky
Taste Buds ? Catfish have a more refined sense of flavor than humans. Our 10,000 taste buds may seem like a lot, but catfish can have as many as 175,000. This helps them find the exact location of their next meal.

fishing store

5 pc 1 1/2 inch crankbait assortment w/box (B)

5 pc 1 1/2 inch crankbait assortment w/box (B)
5 pcs 1 5/8 inch 4 grams crankbait assortment w/box

PRICE: $9.99

39960D 26/0 Tiger Tamer Hi carbon Steel non offset

39960D 26/0 Tiger Tamer Hi carbon Steel non offset
Lucky Joes Hi Carbon Steel duratin coated inline non offset 39960D 26/0 Big Game Circle hooks

PRICE: $6.99

Panfish Jointed style hard bait

Panfish Jointed style hard bait
3 3/4 inch 3/4 ounce (20 gram) Panfish style 2 segment jointed hard bait casting or trolling

PRICE: $7.49

fishing wanted
 Feb 26, 2018; 07:04AM
 Category:  Sportfishing Charters
 Name for Contacts:  PESCADORA
 Phone:  877 898 4999
 City:  Quepos
 State:  Quepos
 Country:  Costa Rica
 Description:  Aboard Pescadora and fish with
world champion captain mainor
oporta. Pescadora is a 41-Foot
Sport fishing Yacht in Quepos,
Costa Rica.Pescadora specializes in
sport fishing in Quepos, Costa
Rica. Pescadora is a 41-foot Ronin
fishing yacht.

fishing photo contest
w i n n e r w i n n e r
Dec 2002 Best Photo
$50 worth of fishing equipment for the photo with the most votes by December 31st, 2002
Shane Jasprizza20 lbMurray Cod
Shane Jasprizza20 lbMurray Cod
Click the image for full story
Shane Jasprizza, 29
Shane caught this great Australian native fish 'The Murray Cod' (hi...
38 vote(s)

fishing tips and tricks
 Jun 5, 2009; 09:59AM - the wiggley wiggle
 Category:  Freshwater Bass Fishing Tips
 Author Name:  ed moses
Tip&Trick Description 1: needed 7'' worm with tail any color
Tip&Trick Description 2: cast lure let it sink all the way to the bottom retrieve with stop and go process with quick short jerks in between reeling make sure to pause often
Tip&Trick Description 3: the fish will inhale the bait on the pause this method is guaranteed to catch bass also works well on other fresh water fish good luck out there

fishing boats and accessories
 May 13, 2019; 08:07PM - OCEAN-TAMER Marine Grade Bean Bags
 Category:  Boats
 Price:  $79.95 - $139.95
 Name for Contacts:  Frank Abruzzino
 Phone:  (941) 776-1133
 City:  Palmetto
 State:  Florda
 Country:  usa
OCEAN-TAMER Marine Grade Bean Bags Description 1: Are you tired of the pounding and fatigue on your
body caused by a rough boat ride? Do you hate
slowing down and getting bounced around in rough
sea conditions? Now with an OCEAN-TAMER Marine
Grade Bean Bag you can enjoy a more relaxing and
comfortable ride and spend more time on the water.
Every OCEAN-TAMER product is 100% marine grade and
built to last right here in the USA. These marine
bean bags have been tournament tested and approved
by professional offshore fishermen all over the
country. With our vast color selection, styles, and
sizes you are sure to find the right marine bean
bags to fit your boating and fishing needs. Come
visit our user friendly website and customize yours


fishing reports
 Sep 4, 2006; 06:05PM - Cabo Bite Report
 Category:  Mexico Cabo San Lucas
 Author Name:  George Landrum

Captain George Landrum
Cabo Fish Report
August 28-Sept.3, 2006

WEATHER: Talk of the week was of Hurricane John. At the start of the week it was just a tropical depression to the southeast of Acapulco and almost everyone, including me, thought that it would follow the normal track to the west-northwest if it developed into anything. Thinking that was what was going to happen I booked tickets to California to get a car to drive back. To my dismay John developed into a tropical storm then a hurricane and came right at us. Kristen, out to the west, kept John from moving to the west. Uh-oh, I quickly booked tickets back on the first flight out on Thursday and arrived about 2 pm Thursday afternoon. No rain yet, just a few dark cloud bands. When the attendants went through the plane before we left Phoenix Airport and explained the Cabo was expected to get a direct hit from a hurricane, we were an hour late leaving as the manifest had to be radically changed and a lot of luggage unloaded! We came in with only about 20 people on the plane, but there had to be about 300 waiting to leave! Thank goodness we were not trying to get out. After going directly to the marina to secure the boat it was time to head for home and take care of the heavy stuff my wife could not do. I have to say that after having been through at leas 3 category 5 hurricanes, I am always happy when we only get a little rain and wind. Hurricane John kept moving off to the east and we only received the weak side, with winds to 35 knots and maybe 2” of rain over Saturday and Sunday. The East Cape took a direct hit and I lost contact with a few friends up there and I hope they are all right. Our cell phone system is busy and as of Sunday morning we cannot get on line or phone anyone, probably because a relay tower or two in the northern part of the state has been damaged.
WATER: It was decent water early in the week with swells on the Pacific side at 2-4 feet and the water was blue and warm at 84 degrees. On the Sea of Cortez side there were almost no swells and only light winds with blue water at 86 degrees. The clouds started moving in on Wednesday, not thick, but enough to give us partly cloudy skies and they kept the surface temperatures down a bit. Thursday the swells started to pick up and of course the port was closed on Friday and Saturday. The port re-opened on Sunday and a few boats that still had clients went out. A few of them returned with seasick passengers but most of them stayed out, the swells were up a bit but there was no chop on top of them.
BAIT: Caballito early in the week with the usual price of $2 per bait, some Sardinas up at Palmilla at $20 a scoop. At the end of the week on Sunday there were two bait boats out there selling bait, they were Caballito held over in their tanks through the storm, but they weren’t trying to gouge, only asking the usual $2 per bait.
BILLFISH: This whole section is going to be a bit difficult for me as I was only here for Monday and Sunday. There were Striped Marlin reported every day as well as some Blue Marlin, but the numbers of both had dropped off a bit. The Striped Marlin were reported close to shore near home and the Blue Marlin were reported to be out past the 95 Spot, just like last week.
YELLOWFIN TUNA: Scattered football fish were caught on the Pacific side amongst Porpoise and there was a good bite on Yellowfin to 25 pounds with an occasional larger fish to 100 pounds reported early in the week a the Gorda Banks. I am writing the report on Sunday and will upgrade it if I find that anyone has found fish today. Almost all the above action at the Gorda was on Sardines and chunk bait.
DORADO: Exactly the same as last week. Slow trolling strip baits was the way to go if you wanted Dorado this week. A good trip could result in 45 to 50 pounds of fillets. Most of the fish were between 12 and 20 pounds and they were found close to shore with the most effort being expended on the Pacific side. These fish like the rougher water and with the swells churning up the beach there were a lot of rip currents and debris lines to attract their attention. Lures also garnered a few fish but best results were had with the first fish kept behind the boat and chunks or strip baits drifted behind the first caught fish.
INSHORE: Like they say in jersey, fagitaboutit! Storm swells made inshore fishing almost impossible on the Pacific and there were enough Dorado just offshore that the Pangas focused their attention there.
NOTES: As I said above, I am writing this on Sunday and am not sure if we will get internet back or not before Monday. If the boats that went out today did any good I will try and update this report before it is posted. Cabo got off lucky with Hurricane John, a bit of wind and rain but little damage. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we are as lucky the rest of the month!


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2CatchFish (Mar 27, 2006)

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